Five Towns College
Dix Hills, NY
EDUCATION | Professional Job

Expires: 08/08/25

Job Dates

September - December 2025 (opportunity for ongoing work as well)


$3,225.00 per course flat fee

Five Towns College is currently accepting applications for our Intro to Stagecraft adjunct teaching position for the fall semester. Stagecraft class meets Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:20-4:45pm.

Additional paid opportunities are available designing shows at the college, and/or assisting Tech Director in practical courses. These additional opportunities are not required parts of the position, but are available! If interested, please ask!

Please send resumes, portfolios, and availability!


Michael Kauffman

Head of Design + Technology / Technical Director



Business Address

305 N Service Rd

Dix Hills, NY 11746

Posted: 02/08/2025 13:52:30 EST

Last Updated: 02/08/2025 22:00 EST

Trackback: https://staging.offstagejobs.com/jobdetail.php?jobID=68644

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