The Theatre Conservatory/Roosevelt University
Chicago, IL

Expires: 07/14/25

Job Dates

February 17 - April 13, 2025


$3000 flat fee flat fee

The Theatre Conservatory of the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University is looking for a non-Equity stage manager for its production of Into the Woods. Rehearsals are weekday evenings until tech and performances which will include two weekends. Rehearsal/performance period is 7 weeks beginning on February 17, 2025 through April 13, 2025. (No rehearsals during spring break March 3-9.) Will have a student crew and a student ASM. Looking for stage managers who are doers and not delegators and willing to mentor students.


Tim Stadler

Production and Facilities Manager


(312) 341-2163

Business Address

430 S. Michigan Avenue

Chicago, IL 60605

Posted: 01/14/2025 15:18:00 EST

Last Updated: 01/15/2025 00:00 EST

Trackback: https://staging.offstagejobs.com/jobdetail.php?jobID=68358

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