Scenic Artist


Properties Assistant

Cincinnati, OH
Will Tour | Will Travel

Last Updated: 01/22/2025 22:00 EST

Job Qualifications

Scenic Artist, Stagehand, Properties Assistant, Ager/Distresser/Breakdown Person, Painter, Dyer, Camera Operator

Primary Skills:

Drop Painting, Color Mixing, Faux Finishes, Dyeing, Foam Carving, Props Shopping, Digital Image Editing, Painting, Crafts, Applique, Jewelry Making

Additional Experience in:

Upholstery, Furniture Building, Sewing: Drops, Sewing: Drop Repair, Sewing: Curtains, Sewing: Curtain Repair, Inventory Management, Rental Management, Embroidery, Light Upholstery


Worked as a scenic artist in professional scenery shop for almost 3 years. Went to school for fine art so I have a background in traditional art making practices as well. I am currently working with the iatse local 66 not a member yet but hope to be soon. Currently working with a local lighting company learning to be a lighting technician. Boom/scissor lift operator certified.

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