Technical Director

Stage Manager

Production Stage Manager

(Other Region)
Will Tour | Will Travel

Last Updated: 12/06/2022 21:29 EST

Job Qualifications

Business Manager, Technical Director, Bookkeeper, Production Stage Manager, Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Director, Camera Operator, Sales Manager, Sound Engineer, Sound Operator, Video Switcher, Stagehand, Assistant Sound Designer, Sound Designer, Box Office Manager, Video Operator, Video Technician, Box Office Assistant, Carpenter, Assistant Scenic Designer, Scenic Designer, Driver, Projections Operator, Production Assistant, Properties Assistant, Follow Spot Operator, Light Board Operator

Primary Skills:

Recording, Script Reading, qLab, qLab

Additional Experience in:


In a Pinch, I can:

Rigging, Props Shopping, VectorWorks, VectorWorks, After Effects


5+ years experience working with various visiting artists as Stage Manager and Technical Liaison
5+ years experience working in IT as an Audio/Visual Technician
Bachelors Degree in Technical Theatre and Economics

Additional Skills include:
Budgetary Cost Benefit Analysis, Communication regarding Rider Contracting, Assembly/Operation/Maintenance for various cameras and sound equipment


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