New York, NY
UNION | Will Tour | Will Travel

Last Updated: 01/22/2025 07:03 EST

Job Qualifications

Sound Engineer, Sound Operator, Assistant Sound Designer, Mic Runner, Stagehand, Carpenter, Sound Designer, Wardrobe Crew, Percussion

Primary Skills:

Sound Reinforcement, Logic, Drafting, Script Reading, qLab

Additional Experience in:


In a Pinch, I can:



RENT 20th Anniversary Tour - Head Audio - 2019-2020 - Work Light Productions
Something Rotten! Second National Tour - Head Audio - 2018-2019 - WLP
Barrington Stage Company - Main Stage Engineer - July-Sept. 2018
Spoleto Festival - A1/FOH Engineer/Monitor Engineer - May 2018
Twin City Stage - A1/Mix Engineer - April 2017

Alumnus of Las Vegas Academy of the Arts
Alumnus of UNC School of the Arts

Proud member of IATSE Local 635 out of Winston-Salem, NC.


(702) 688-9190 Disclaimer does not perform any background checks or fact checking on any person listed on The Contact Sheets. If your company is susceptible to legal or media scrutiny, or works frequently with children, you are especially encouraged to get further information about your potential employees.

Figure 53 (the maker of QLab, Go Button, and other fine products), is the exclusive sponsor of!