Texas Shakespeare Festival
Kilgore, TX

Expires: 05/06/25

Job Dates

May 13-June 30


$4000 flat fee

$4,000 stipend / up to $300 travel / private dorm housing / 11 meals a week

Minimum Requirements: Experience in creating samples for approval by Scenic Designer, mixing color, paint mixing, and scenic treatments including, but not limited to, faux finish, carving, texturing, ageing, distressing, and general working ability in both latex and scenic paint. The candidate should also have experience in reading blueprints and color elevations, budget management, scheduling, and be comfortable working at heights above 16'. Ideal candidate should be self-motivated, safety conscious, with at least three years of professional experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience.

Responsible for:

Maintaining paint stock, budget, and purchasing.

All the painting of scenic elements for the four-show rotating repertory season and a children+rsquo;s show.

Working closely with the Scenic Designer and Technical Director on all scenic painting projects.

Participating in opening night discussions


Meaghan Simpson

Artistic Director



(903) 983-8610

Business Address

1100 Broadway Blvd

Kilgore, TX 75662

Posted: 11/06/2024 13:18:50 EST

Last Updated: 11/06/2024 22:00 EST

Trackback: https://staging.offstagejobs.com/jobdetail.php?jobID=67628

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