Indiana University Department of Theatre, Drama, + Contemporary Dance
Bloomington, IN

Expires: 07/31/24

Job Dates



$23,000 per academic year annually

The Indiana University Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance is seeking applicants for its three-year MFA theatre technology program beginning August 2024. The theatre technology program at Indiana University aims to graduate highly competent technical directors who are equipped for successful careers in the innovative discipline of theatre technology. The program offers individualized instruction, one-on-one mentoring, and personalized guidance. The program emphasizes key themes to foster success.

+Problem-solving and management skills through courses in technical management, structural design and analysis, and construction and production management.

+Communication skills through a positive collaborative environment in courses and stage productions, and through technical writing and training to gain computer-aided drafting skills.

+Modern technology and industry trends through courses in electronics and controls for theatre, mechanical scenery, and theatrical and arena rigging.

+Technical research that studies perennial scenery challenges, and solutions, to nurture new ideas and an innovative spirit of technical direction and production.

+Our program presents you with a blend of modern skills and design sensibilities, preparing you to be creative collaborators involved in all phases of the conceptualization and production of technical designs for a wide range of careers.

Theatre Technology students are assigned as production technical directors on four to five productions during their three-year program of study. You also receive production experience by serving in other roles: as the assistant technical director, lead carpenter, properties manager, and scenery technologist on stage productions.

Numerous opportunities exist to design complex mechanical and automated effects as well as to work with the IATSE staff of the IU Auditorium while being exposed to touring productions. Summer production experience is available at Indiana University Summer Theatre, our professional summer theatre.

MFA candidates receive a graduate assistantship during the three years of study which includes a stipend of at least $23,000 per year, full tuition waiver, fee remission and health insurance including dental. For further information about IU and the scenic design program please visit https://theatre.indiana.edu/index.html

For more information please email a resume and cover letter to Jeff Baldwin - Head of Theatre Technology at the provided contact email of this listing.


Jeff Baldwin

Head of Theatre Technology



Business Address

275 N. Eagleson Avenue

Bloomington, IN 47405

Posted: 04/10/2024 08:19:47 EST

Last Updated: 04/10/2024 14:19 EST

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