Sound Designer

New York, NY

Last Updated: 10/09/2021 16:12 EST

Job Qualifications

Sound Designer

In a Pinch, I can:

Sound Reinforcement


Sound Designer for musical A BRONX TALE at the Axelrod PAC in Ocean NJ. Designing sound and running digital board. Tech starts 10/25; show opens 10/30 and runs through 11/14. AEA Covid guidelines being followed. SD must be vaxed. Pay: $4000.
Contact Andrew DePrisco, Producer,
cell: (732) 915-7997


(732) 915-7997

Mailing Address

100 Grant Ave

Deal Park, NJ 07723 Disclaimer does not perform any background checks or fact checking on any person listed on The Contact Sheets. If your company is susceptible to legal or media scrutiny, or works frequently with children, you are especially encouraged to get further information about your potential employees.

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